Miryana meets Bianca

A girl her own age entered the room. Miryana breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't her parents, back to complain about some imagined slight. She watched from her perch atop her bed as her new roommate explored. Apparently, she hadn't been seen yet. The seconds stretched and Miryana realized that her window to gracefully introduce herself had passed. Wouldn't her roommate wonder why she hadn't said anything when she first came in? What if she fucked up her relationship with the first roommate she'd ever had from the very start.

Her nose tickled. A sneeze. She tried to hold it. She looked at the overhead light. She tried to yawn. She thought about saying achoo inside her head. Until it could no longer be held and rocketed out of her. The other girl jumped.

Ah, hey,” Miryana said when the echoes had died down. “I'm your new roommate. Sorry about the noise.”

If the girl was weirded out that she'd been watched for the last few minutes, she didn't show it. “Hey up there. I'm Bianca.”

I'm Miryana. What are you majoring in?”

Painting, I think. Or maybe cartooning. I haven't decided yet,” her voice was surprisingly low for how short she was. It was hard to judge height from her angle, but she thought Bianca couldn't be much over 5'1”. Her voice was pleasant though, a calm contralto.

Do you sing?” Miryana's mouth asked before her brain could stop it.

No” and a quizzical raised eyebrow were all the response she received. Miryana jumped down in order to unpack, to give herself something to do. Leotards in the dresser. Clothes in the wardrobe.

How about you?” Bianca asked, making Miryana tangle the pants she was trying to fold.

I'm a dancer, ballet really, but I like any kind. I'm thinking about minoring in singing though. But I know that one is really competitive.”

That explains that, at least,” Bianca gave her a bit of smile while she spoke. They resumed unpacking next to each other. This time their silence was more comfortable.