Returning from school

The door closed behind Anne. Her mind buzzed with plans for lessons tomorrow to share with her children. Rather, her students. She pulled one shoe off with the toe of the other.

Wide arms enveloped her. A stubbly cheek pressed against her own, abrading it. “I missed you.” It was Edmund's voice. Of course. “Last night was amazing, don't you think?”

Before she could answer, his lips were on hers. They were damp. His teeth grazed her lips. His tongue tried to enter her mouth. He was pressed against her from head to foot. There was no space left for her.

Her mind couldn't take the stimulus. She was slack in his arms. He let go, but he was still too close.

I've got to go. I need to…”

Edmund took a step back. “Are you feeling alright?”

Anne forced a smile. “I just want some air. Clear my head.” She bolted through the door.