After the dinner

The evening's entertainment ended. People left the hall, for the game rooms and libraries to continue their nights in more intimate environments. Before Miri could stand, she was accosted by her keyholders.

I believe we've had some success attracting new recruits to our demesne. With the university graduation, as well as normal demographic shifts, I think that our citizen count may increase by as much as 10 percent.” Lila, who typically interfaced with the census takers, stated, pulling out a few sheets as she continued to talk about the shifts, and what would be required in terms of new habitation for the residents.

Georg brought up plans for a combination dormitory and dining hall, to house the new unattached residents, and townhouse schematics for those who needed more space. Miri accepted them with a nod, but her focus wasn't on them. Where had that cellist gone?

Miri, you there?” Lila asked. “I'm sorry we had to bring this up now. I know this was supposed to be a holiday. But we really need to make sure we're ready for the immigrants.”

You're right. I'm sorry. My head is in the clouds.” With no small amount of effort, she brought her attention back to her friends and advisers. When they were done explaining what was necessary, she said, “This is excellent work. My thanks for doing all this with such short notice. I know none of us were expecting the surge of interest in our project. I'll create everything necessary tomorrow, as soon as I wake.”

The others nodded. “Everything you need will be on your desk. Have a good night, Miri,” Georg said.

Before you leave, the musicians. I wanted to thank them for such a beautiful performance. I'd never heard anything, well, anything so beautiful.”

Lila chuckled. “Come on, I think they're relaxing in the green room. I'll introduce you.”