Scene 5

They stooped to entire. A corona of hair appeared first, black and only held back by a hair band. It was Acacia, not Jack. Ruby sank in relief. “It's good to see you,” she said.

It is actually good to see you again too,” Acacia responded. “I see you've found another stray.” She indicated Cora, cradled in Ruby's arms.

She's tired and hungry. I hope she hasn't been on her own long. Do you know her?”

No. I wasn't around the <mortals, but a more obscure word> owned much. They rarely tolerated my presence. Their masters had orders out for my capture.” Acacia sat on the bench a foot away from Ruby, just within arm's reach.

One of them caught up with you?”

Yes. Scarlet.” Rage flickered across Acacia's face as she said the name. She touched her hand to her heart and calmed. “Thank you for freeing me. I don't believe I said that at the time. I was rather distracted. That spell…” She shuddered. “It is a cruel thing.”

I'm glad I helped. Can you tell me more about this place? I found my way here and I don't know what's going on or what I need to do next.”

This is the underrealm. We're below the earth, but you've figured that out. Not many people come here. Usually questers seek us out knowing full well what they're getting into.”

I didn't have much choice.” Ruby quirked her lips.

The holders own everything and everyone down here. Or so they like to think. I'd imagine, with your name, Ruby, right?” Ruby nodded and Acacia continued. “They like collecting things. I wonder if Scarlet marked you as his.”

Jack mentioned that name. He said a Scarlet would help me.”

Jack's a prick.”

Definitely.” Ruby and Acacia both laughed, the tones rang off the well. It had been so long since Ruby had laughed like that. Cora stirred in her sleep. Ruby adjusted the girl in her arms, stroking the head against her chest and she settled.

He's Scarlet's creature. He'll lie and cheat and steal to do what Scarlet wants. I wouldn't trust him to bring me a cup of water if I was dying of thirst.”

Do you know what Scarlet wants with me? I'm looking for my siblings. They disappeared years ago.”

Who knows what the holders want. I wouldn't give them the time of day except they keep meddling with my life. As for your siblings, something brought you here?” Ruby nodded again. “Nobody finds this place who isn't looking for something. Maybe you'll find them here. Pray you don't find them as the star of an exhibit Scarlet arranges. <Need to express this point better. Basically I want to say better pray that Scarlet doesn't get you first, but in different words.>

The conversation trailed off. Ruby didn't know how to respond. Acacia's hand was in the water. <something about Acacia drinking through her hand?>

There's a man I know. A magician. He might be able to shelter you.” Acacia broke the silence.

Is he,” Ruby searched for a word, “owned too?”

No. He's one of the free men. Our purposes coincide some and we've worked together. He's good. For a man. I tried to get in touch with him before I came to meet you.”

Can he take Cora too? If she wants to go.”

You'll have to ask him that. I won't speak for him.” Acacia turned, cocking her head and listening to something.

Ruby followed suit. There were footsteps outside, drawing near the well. She stood, lifting Cora, who scarcely weighed anything.

Again the door opened. But this time, the figure entering was Jack.

Found you.”