Jack offers to take Ruby to find Scarlet

            Jack's goal - To get her to go to the holders without telling her what they are

            Ruby's goal - To find more information about her siblings

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Dressed and bathed for the first time in far too long, Ruby joined Jack at a long table made of varnished wood. Intricate gilt designs were inlayed along the border and down the legs. The wood was smooth were she rested her hands as she sat. Unconsciously, she rubbed it. Her father had one like it. He'd hosted meals with merchants and barons and dukes and princes at it. Most hadn't noticed her, but some who did had eyed her… Was Jack looking at her the same way? No. He'd helped her. Given her comfort. He wasn't the same as those hard-eyed men.

What brought you here, gem?” Jack interrupted her reverie. “We don't get new ones very often.”

Her story was on the tip of her tongue. Her father's rise to prominence, her siblings disappearing, the man in the scarlet coat with ruby buttons who'd offered her a deal, her journey, and her descent through the tunnel. But some caution she'd acquired held her tongue. “My siblings are missing. My path brought me here. I hope this is where they are.”

Like I said, I know everyone in the underrealm and you're the first new one in years upon years. It's hard to find a path here. You have to be chosen for the privilege.” She thought she caught the barest twist of a smirk on his face on his last words. “But maybe you were brought here to find help. There's a man here who collects and trades information. If your siblings are anywhere in the world, he knows.”

I hope so. I'd been worried this was all for…” She paused. “Thank you. If you'll tell me where he is, I'll leave as soon as I can. I don't want to be a burden on you anymore. You've done so much for me already.”

You were no burden, gem. I'd even hazard to call you a delight.” He stood and stretched. “I don't have anything going on. We can take my carriage. We wouldn't want you showing up like a little drowned mouse. Scarlet takes great pride in appearance.”

It took some perfunctory denials of his assistance and reiteration of his support, but she gave in. She had to admit, she'd done enough walking for one lifetime. A carriage ride would be pleasant.