
Her enemy sprawled before her. Ruby paused to savor her moment of triumph. Scarlet, with muff astray and face contorted with fear, was at the end of her wand, at her mercy. The ruby at the tip gleamed harshly, taking in the light of the false stars above and turning them to death. Slowly, calmly, she focused her will.

Scarlet would not escape this time, could not. She'd caused too much harm already. Jack's voice, who would never again make her blush, whispered in her ear. She was ready for this. She had to take her vengeance.

The world narrowed. There was only Ruby, Scarlet, and the gem between them.

A moment before she prepared the killing blow, a scream ripped through her. It was a child's scream. It was Cora's scream. Cora, who'd never even cried despite everything she'd seen.

The scream came again. This time, she heard a word within. “Help!” Cora was calling for her, with all the strength in her delicate body. “Help me, mama.”

Ruby, Scarlet, and the gem were alone no more. A new grouping formed, faster than she could think. Cora was held by Scarlet's guard. His knife was drawn and held to her throat. “Shut up, brat.” He slapped her, sharply, so her head lolled to the side.

Now Ruby was screaming. “Cora!” She ran. Something long and cumbersome nearly tripped her. She dropped it. With free hands, she tackled the man holding the child. The knife veered and nicked her throat. Cora bled.

No no no no no,” Ruby didn't even realize she spoke. Her mind raced for the healing incantations that Amethyst had taught her, but she couldn't remember them. The long weeks of arming herself for war had driven them from her head. She started to form syllables, but stopped when she realized that that spell would have maimed the girl, not saved her.

Ruby held her daughter to her chest, helpless and sobbing.