Scene 3

Grabbing a robe, Ruby left the room to find the man. Curiously, she examined the rooms as she passed them. The owner enjoyed fine, rich jewel tones. There was a bedroom decorated in velvety emeralds that she wanted to sink into them. A sitting room, it must be for the family, since it was on the second floor, blazed with reds and oranges that were offset by cool whites so they didn't tire the eye. Statues of beautiful men and women graced the walls, set into recesses. Works of art, primarily pastoral scenes, were set between them. It was an elegant place, but sterile. The objects were beautiful, yet she wondered if they had any meaning. <Todo, do this exploration with Jack later? Take advantage of dialogue?>

Going down a staircase that was polished to a mirror sheen, almost slick enough that even her rough feet nearly lost their footing, Ruby found the man. It may have been her old self from the city, edged with the cynicism of seeing the best and worst of humanity, but she wondered if he'd chosen this room, with the sun setting his red-gold hair on fire, in order to set off his beauty.

Good evening little gem. You've been sleeping long enough, haven't you?”

The questions that had been drifting through her head left her. “Why do you keep calling me that?”

He tilted his head and peered at her. “It fits you.” He sniffed obviously. “Although gems normally smell much better than you do. Have you been bathing in a mud pit? And were there pigs in there with you? Pigs who had been dead for a month?” Ruby opened and closed her mouth. When he decided no words were coming, the man continued. “My name's Jack. I'm delighted to be your host. Come with me to solve your little odor problem.” He crooked his elbow. Lightly, she rested a hand on it, the way she had rested it on frequent dance partner's. <bler bler bler>