Something 6

Carlo trudged back to his small apartment. Despite all his work, he didn't warrant an apartment in the guild hall, but had had to buy one from his meager earnings. They weren't the only ones with problems. Even if things were so hard, if they just did their work like they were supposed to, they'd get their food chits and their housing. The slackers just wanted more. They didn't understand what it was to work a long day running around after ungrateful family, just to have your efforts scorned.

His fuming and his movement was halted when he opened the door. “Hello Papa!” Noemi shouted while hugging him.

Moving just far enough to close his door, he sat next to her. “Hello darling. How was your tutoring?”

She giggled. “I didn't go.” When she saw him open her mouth to reprimand her, she continued. “They wouldn't let me in. They thought I was some kind of spirit.” Her open face drew into a frown. “They talked about me like I wasn't even there.”

Enraged all over again, Carlo moved to stand up.

Small but firm hands pulled him down. “I don't mind. Really. I know everyone thought I was going to die last night. Like Mama. They'll realize I'm still me. And I'll show them what I've got.”

She was fortunate, Carlo thought. Despite his own fall from grace, Noemi had been granted a provisional apprenticeship, at which she was excelling. Given time and practice he knew she could rival even his grandmother. She'd go back tomorrow. And he'd get back to work tomorrow.

For now, he could rest.

Noemi was pulling bread, hard cheese, and pickles from the cabinet for a light dinner when there was a knock at the door.

Some other day he could rest. For now, there was work to do.