Something 7

A woman stood outside his door. She was short, with honey-blonde hair and green eyes that were unusual in this city, and a little younger than he was. Her features had a slight exotic cant. His wife had been a classical beauty, nothing like this woman. She wore clean broadcloth, dyed rusty red, an improvement on the homespun that most wore, but not as fine as his own silks.

Yes?” he asked. Noemi tried to peer at the woman from behind him. He edged her away and moved into the hall, closing the door behind him.

You are Carlo <name name> of the Silk Weaver's Guild, yes?”

He nodded tightly.

She smiled, her face lighting up. She didn't look nearly as odd when she smiled, he mused. “I'm Irene. I'm voting for you. For president.” He didn't respond to the pause she left. “I might be able to help you. I know the vote is close.” He still chose not to speak. “I'm the representative of a powerful foreign trader. So, he's chosen to remain clear, but he's interested in what you can offer.”

That was interesting. He smiled and nodded for her to continue.

He sells bulk food products

<She wants to see what kind of person he is. Maybe she won't show up at his door? What if she arranges to bump into him somehow? I mean, that's been happening as long as there have been people, I'd imagine. She knows he goes to the market. Maybe that. Argh. I don't know. Okay. Regardless of how she finds him, what does she want to do? She wants to see the kind of person he is. She wants to see if he's compassionate and trustworthy. She wants to see if he cares for people. How does she accomplish that?