
Miri's fingers tapped on the table, one after the other in sequence, rising then falling. The chatter of her citizens surrounded her. Briskly, she halted her tattoo in order to push dark brown hair out of her eyes. Her meal, a cold pumpkin soup topped with a toast of …



The evening's entertainment ended. People left the hall, for the game rooms and libraries to continue their nights in more intimate environments. Before Miri could stand, she was accosted by her keyholders. “I believe we've had some success attracting new recruits to our demesne. With the university graduation …


Miri's stomach churned. Which, she chided herself, was ridiculous. She was going to meet the musicians and offer them a boon as Lady of her demesne. She had done the same hundreds times before. This was no different. Lila spoke to her, about the annual welcome festival, she thought …

Scene 1

She didn't know which was worse, going downhill or going uphill. She used to think that down was easier. She didn't have to fight the pull of the earth that way. But her shoes were heavy and sometimes she stumbled over them. She'd once plunged headlong, tumbling …

Jack returns home

Ruby's dress was stained with blood. It was a raw ochre over the rough azure satin. It had trailed down and onto the key ring on the sash around her waist. The golden key that unlocked the room was red with her blood. It almost looked as though …

Scene 4

Ruby had shed all the items that Jack had given her other than the simple blue dress she wore, leaving socks and shoes and gloves and mantle in her wake. She wanted to be beholden to Jack as little as possible. In her hands, she held a piece of an …

Scene 5

They stooped to entire. A corona of hair appeared first, black and only held back by a hair band. It was Acacia, not Jack. Ruby sank in relief. “It's good to see you,” she said. “It is actually good to see you again too,” Acacia responded. “I see you …


Jack meets up with them all. Acacia and Jack nearly fight. Ruby takes control compile: 2 Without thinking, Ruby was on her feet, pressing Cora to her shoulder, who woke during the shift. “What's happening?” she mumbled. “Shh, shh. I've got you.” Ruby waited for Jack to make …

Scene 3

“Has the magician gotten back to you, Acacia?” Ruby asked. Acacia shook her head in response. “Well then, first thing's first. We have to find a place that's safe and warm with food. If we can get new clothing, that would be ideal. What do you know?” “There …