Scene 2

She'd felt the ground under the balls of her feet for days now. Then the heels. Her toes protruded into the air. The shoes slipped around, no longer providing easy purchase. She found herself clinging to the staff even more, although the ground was level. It might be summer. There was a richness to the air, as of good growing things. Food was plentiful, as even the rabbits and ptarmigans <?> were satiated. She felt stronger than she had. Perhaps it was just the food. Perhaps it was her hopes that she'd be able to enter the next phase. She was ready for it.

Her guide wire drew her around a hummock in the ground. It was just shorter than her, but wide. A mound of earth that looked unmoved for decades. There was a hole. She thought she'd just be able to fit. But it was dark and the air smelled stale.

She hesitated at the entrance. She was no longer pushed along. This was the end of the road she'd been walking for so long. A dank pit. A soft breeze brushed her cheek, bringing the scent of berries and her mouth watered. She knew then that she had a choice. No longer was she compelled. She could turn. She could feast. She could try to make a new life for herself here, wherever she was.

But then her brothers and sisters would be lost.

There was no choice. She turned her back on the sun and ducked her head. Roots tickled her matted hair. One step, then a second. The shoes caught at the threshold and crumbled as they left the light. Her life was her own again. She could only pray she'd follow the right path.

Ruby disappeared into the shadows.