Scene 3

The walls of the tunnel were close around Ruby. She couldn't stand straight and roots brushed against her head like the arms of the dead, reaching for her so she could free them from their torment. Sometimes she had to edge sideways, the sides too close for her to walk straight. Twice, the tunnel had shrunk so she could only crawl, slowing her already halting progress to a crawl.

There was light though. The walls shown with a dull gleam, casting everything in a pallid gray. Still, she was thankful for it. She didn't know if she could have borne the close confines in utter darkness. As it was, she worried that she was heading towards her death. That the tunnel would be her tomb.

She carried on. No compulsion drove her. No compulsion other than the knowledge that this was what was needed. If she couldn't carry through this, all her previous efforts would be in vain. Her siblings would remain captured. She had to keep on for their sake.

Just as she was about to despair that there would ever be an end, her mouth parched and her stomach growling from hunger, she thought she could see a faint light, far away.

The light grew stronger as she walked. It was warm, almost cheerful. It was a beacon of hope and comfort. If she could just reach that light, she'd be safe.

The tunnel shrank. She wasn't even able to crawl, but had to inch her way forward, her fingers clawing into the dirt to gain purchase. Her mouth was dry from the dirt. Her head was full of its sterile scent. She was bruised from her cheeks to her toe nails. Every muscle, lean and accustomed to hardship as they were, protested at the abuse. Her eyes were fixed on the light. That was all that mattered.

At last, a press so tight she almost couldn't get through. She dragged and pulled her uncooperative body. If she could just get through this final stretch, she'd be there. A final struggle, using the last of her strength, knowing she could not proceed further if she failed. That this would be her tomb in the dark under the world.

She was free.