Scene 4

Despite her privations, Ruby was stopped by what she saw. She had come out onto a ledge, high in the air. Land stretched to the horizon. She could see below terrain of all types. <Fuck it all, just write this later. This is a description of Ruby's first impression of the under world. A variety of different biomes. Bright colors. I can't even write a summary. Note how the land seems to be generating its own light>

And above, no sky. No sun. Not even the twinkle of stars or the cold light of the moon. She looked into the blackness above until her gaze was swallowed. The sky stretched into nothingness. She didn't know if she was still under the earth or if she had been transported to some strange land that was clouded by eternal darkness.

It's a rare sight, innit it?”

Ruby startled. Her hands clenched to try to catch herself, but she was falling off the narrow ledge.

A hand caught her waist. It was strong and firm. The first hand to touch her in so long. It drew her in and close to a warm body.

She looked up. He was taller than her by a head. She could see boyish cheeks, a flush of flame red hair, blue eyes narrowed in amusement. And a wide grin. A grin close to her own mouth. Which was pointing up at him.

He bent his head and kissed her. Lips warmed hers and she realized she'd been cold, so cold she had forgotten what warmth was. The kiss lasted just a moment, then she was spun to the side, out of his embrace. But still a hand rested gently around her waist.

Take care, gem. It would be a shame for someone so beautiful to come to harm.”

She blushed, although she thought at least he couldn't see it under the layer of dirt that covered her. She wasn't beautiful. Or maybe she had been once, but the journey had stripped that from her. She had thought that. Maybe it hadn't changed as much as she thought.

Wh—” She couldn't get the words out. It had been too long since she last spoke. Her throat wasn't used to it. Once, she had chattered to herself to feel less alone, but that hadn't been necessary in recent months. She had been content being alone.

Something rough was pressed into her hand. A water skin, made of poorly cured leather. She swallowed. The tannin <?> had leached into the water, but it was still the sweetest water she had ever drunk.

Who are you?” she asked. She wanted to know more, about him, about this world, but her head was spinning. She stumbled again.

Just as the blackness claimed her, she heard “I've got you, gem.” She let herself succumb to someone else's care.