Truth or Dare 1

Pirates - Truth or Dare

It was a boring night. Other than the scent and sound of the sea, nothing interrupted the calm. The people of the town were all abed. There were no pirate warnings. Therese yawned, tired almost to tears. But then, were those voices? Laughter? Even a shout of joy? She quickened her pace, long legs covering the ground.

On the warm sandy beach just outside the town borders, a fire danced. Four figures, no, five, surrounded it. The last was shrouded, sitting almost outside the circle underneath a palm tree. The one in shadows raised a hand. Light glinted off his bald pate. She recognized that hooked nose even in the dim lighting. Ernst, one of her comrades from the naval academy. She hasn't realized he was on the same posting as she. She approached less warily, scanning those he was gathered with.

There was a merfolk she had met before, Jua, she thought the name was. And another she thought was also merfolk. They always wore as little clothing as possible, not that they needed much in the warm waters. But the two others, one ensconced between the two merfolk, his arms around their shoulders. She curled a lip. Pirates? What was Ernst doing with pirates? She'd never met them, but she recognized them from bulletins posted: Brycen and Makiyah. Scarcely a month went by without one of them capturing a naval ship.

"What are you doing?" she snapped at Ernst.

He gave her a lazy salute. "Everyone deserves the night off. Even you. Join us." He held out the bottle in his far hand. His shirt was rumpled, the collar open.

"I abjectly refuse to drinking with pirate filth. I can't believe that you would even think to. Have you forgotten your oaths?" She was near to screeching by the end of her sentence. The pirates rolled their eyes. "I expect no less from you," she spat at them.

"Like we want to be around her high and mighty officer." The female pirate made a crude hand gesture to punctuate her statement.

Brycen only laughed. "Truth or dare?" He looked directly at Therese, pale green eyes sparkling.

Therese turned her back. "Neither. I won't play your games either."

"Dare it is then. I'm sure a fine lieutenant would never back down from a dare." Brycen paused as she took a step away from the nonsensery. "Hmm... I dare you, Miss Lieutenant, to kiss Ernst over there."

Therese stopped, one foot still lifted. She could feel the heat rushing to her cheeks. Kissing Ernst, her thoughts whirled and crashed onto each other. She'd watched him all through their time in the academy. He'd been in a class above hers. They'd barely even interacted, but... Steps crunched the soft sand, the tread forceful and sturdy. It was Ernst. His hand, roughened from time spent manning his ship, touched her cheek.

"I'll take the dare if you will." His voice had the slightest rasp to it. She'd recognize it anywhere. She nodded. His lips brushed hers, warm and firm, for just a few seconds. Long enough for her to reach out for his elbow. He smiled as he moved back, pressing the bottle into her hands. "There's no harm to it, Therese. And some good. We all agree to a night of fun. We leave in the morn. And if we bump into each other on the seas. There's a bond there. The fight does not need to be to the death."

Therese smiled a little, although she didn't meet the pirates eyes still. "Alright, pirate. Truth or dare?" she asked as she took a seat next to Ernst.